Faculty of Education and training – FacEF

Contact details

21 rue d'Assas
Paris cedex 06 France
+33 (0)1 44 39 52 00
+33 (0)1 44 39 60 01
On the Internet


A statement for education 

To ask the question about education means to question the agents, the processes, the proceedings and the institution in order to help others, through practices and discourses, reach a common goal in a common world. 

We affirm that there is a major goal: the promotion of inclusive institutions to serve the individual for the common good. 

At the heart of the Faculty of Education and Training, the faculty project «Inclusive Educational Community», whose aim is to think and build inclusive institutions in view of human dignity, social justice and excellence for all, is thus put to work.

Key moments in its development… 

The Faculty of Education and Training is part of a long and beautiful history within an institution whose one hundred and fiftieth anniversary will be celebrated in 2025, the Catholic University of Paris (Institut Catholique de Paris - ICP). 

Key moments have marked its evolution since 1941: the creation of a first Higher Institute of Pedagogy within a Faculty of ICP, of a Centre for Pedagogical Studies and, of a Summer Pedagogical University. 

As of the beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year, our faculty, which moved to the Carmes site of the Paris campus in 2021, will be called the Faculty of Education and Training.

… and shed light on its current specificity

This evolution is a reflection of a reality which has been established over the years and which allows us to project ourselves for the years to come around what makes it special. This is based on 3 points:
• Initial training of educators,
• Continuing training of education professionals,
• Research and innovation in education and training.
The organisation of the Faculty of Education and Training is developed around these three axes in order to constitute a real Agora and to tighten the links around the faculty project
through three themes:
• hosting,
• teaching,
• evaluating.
Serving the common good It is the excellence of each and every person that is the central point of
the faculty project, not the disability.
Accompanying each and every person towards their excellence within specific or specialised institutions for the common good is the meaning we wish to give to the word « inclusion ».
Our offer is therefore addressed to educational institutions as well as to
Developing a school of thought
Our wish is also to develop a stream of thought - « The Paris School of Education » - that engages in research, offers a training and teaching
expertise on issues related to inclusive institutions in order to propose, among other things, another way of evaluating institutions.
This consists of evaluating the excellence of the relationship to knowledge, the institutional climate of institutions where it is good to live, based on positive and negative criteria:
• 4 positive C’s to be developped and reinforced: competence, creativity, conviviality and cooperation
• 4 negative C’s to be identified and fought: complacency, competition, counterfeiting and corporatism.

FacEF ©Elodie Bacot