The Reims campus

Choosing the campus of Institut Catholique de Paris in Reims for your studies means joining a lively, supportive and collaborative university community.

Your future and your projects matter to us

That’s why we value commitment and responsibility : they will allow you to deploy all your talents. Studying at the ICP also means opting for an independent, recognized by the State, non-profit institution. Its EESPIG* certification attests to this. It shows the seriousness of our teams, the quality of the training provided and of the constant adaptation of the ICP to the training needs of all.
*Private Higher Education Institution of General Interest

Study in the Maison Saint-Sixte, close to the Cathedral

Your training will take place close to the Cathedral and the Basilica of Saint-Rémi, in the Maison Saint-Sixte, a must-see place, in the heart of Reims. A place steeped in cultural heritage and a tradition of hospitality that echoes the Paris campus of the ICP, anchored since 1875 in the Paris of Universities.
To build welcoming, functional and innovative academic spaces, the ICP carried out major renovations.

Five bachelors, available on Parcoursup

These training, which have been developed over the last few years on the Paris campus, were selected for their notoriety and their high success rate at the Institut Catholique de Paris.
These national Bachelor’s degrees are eligible for CROUS grants, as well as ICP grants (studies, mobility, excellence, solidarity).

Two Masters to be found on

At the start of the 2023 academic year, the ICP Reims campus is opening two masters in education sciences:

An individualized accompaniment

At the Institut Catholique de Paris, students are accompanied by a study director, who provided them personalized support and follow-up throughout their studies : results update, methodological advices, help in choosing options, advice on guidance, … Several personalized appointments and a regular follow-up punctuate the university calendar.

The small classes encourage the acquisition of university methods and the personalized follow-up of a direction of studies to listen.

Go international with ICP

The ICP offers more than high-level training : access to its powerful academic and professional networks, both in France and internationally. Thanks to its numerous exchange agreements with foreign universities, the ICP offers students the opportunity to live an international experience.
To prepare and to succeed your foreign trip, that will be a plus in your process, you will be assist and advise by a dedicate team, in relation with your university : The international relations department. 

Important professional networks

The ICP attracts a breeding ground of professionals, business and civil society experts, who speak in the training. They share their experience and open their networks to students. These professionals play a decisive role in the guidance and career path of graduates.
The establishment of the ICP in Reims benefits from the financial support of the Grand Est Region, the Department of the Marne and the Urban Community of the Grand Reims.