Faculty of Liberal Arts

Contact details

74 rue de Vaugirard
+33 (0)1 70 64 29 75

Contact details

tel +33 (0)1 70 64 29 75


Founded in 1875, the Faculty of Liberal Arts offers Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Arts, Languages and Civilizations, History and Political Science, History and Geography, Art History, Information and Communication.

ICP's Faculty of Liberal Arts offers a wide range of multi-disciplinary courses with a cultural and international outlook.

It prepares students for state diplomas, while retaining program autonomy, which is what makes the ICP intellectually and spiritually unique.

Combining university courses and preparation for competitive examinations, the Faculty of Liberal Arts is developing cooperation with other universities, both French and foreign, to give its students and teachers the opportunity to experiment with new teaching methods and new contacts with international research.

Last but not least, the Languages Department enables students to take courses in the language(s) they wish to study, perfect or discover (Arabic, Chinese, English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Latin, Ancient Greek), in a group corresponding to their level.

Key figures

  • 1875: creation of the Faculty of Arts.
  • 1956 students on degree courses.
  • 4 departments.
  • 9 foreign languages and 2 ancient languages taught in the Languages Department.
  • 11 Bachelor's degrees
  • 9 Master’s degrees.
  • 2 University Diplomas.

Research activities

Teaching staff in the Faculty of Liberal Arts contribute to the ICP's “Religion, Culture and Society” research unit, notably within the “Languages, Cultures, History and Education” research cluster. This unit brings together the skills of specialists in contemporary literature, history and educational science to address issues of transmission and identity.


As part of its training programs, the Faculty of Arts maintains academic partnerships with:

  • Rectorat de Paris.
  • The University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA).
  • Saint-Joseph University, Beirut.
  • University of San Pablo Ceu, Madrid.
  • Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires.

It also maintains scientific partnerships with

  • The Louvre Museum.
  • Institut Français de la Mer.

Additional contact details

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