English courses

English Debating School (Bachelor Year 1 / Spring)

English Debating School (Bachelor Year 1 / Spring)

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Bachelor in Information and Communication / Faculty of Liberal Arts


Course Information

Bachelor year 1 12 HOURS
Spring Semester 2 ECTS
Tutorials (TD)
Professors: Christopher Hunt and Annabelle Baroux


After completing this course, students will have acquired new skills to argue and advocate for their viewpoints in English in a constructive, effective and polite way. Special emphasis will be placed on critical thinking as well as argument resolution in a wide range of topics. The student will also learn how to apply visuals, style, and nonverbal communication to debates. This class is ultimately for students who want to debate subjects in a non-competitive environment in both spoken and written English.


Assessment and final grade

1 presentation, 1 written task, 1 assessed debate and participation.