The main aim of this course is to improve students' listening comprehension skills in English, as a second language, and to develop their knowledge of vocabulary. The course also aims to improve students' oral skills, in addition to revising certain grammatical points. Cognitive and metacognitive listening strategies presented in the course will develop learners' abilities to understand main ideas, note specific details, detect sequencing, follow directions, make inferences, predict outcomes, and evaluate listening input.
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
• Develop awareness of the sounds and word linking of the English language and develop pronunciation self-awareness.
• Improve accurate pronunciation, melody and rhythm, and develop cohesiveness of speech and natural delivery.
• Understand conversations, news, audio documents and short documentaries, related to current topics and to topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
• Expand everyday vocabulary and develop vocabulary related to current discussion topics.
• Start a conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest or more abstract, but still related to everyday situations, and can help to keep it going by expressing and responding to suggestions, opinions, attitudes, advice, feelings, etc.
• Express opinions on more abstract topics, and ask other people what they think, contrast alternatives, discuss what to do, etc.
• Discuss social conventions in language use (e.g. rules of politeness, colloquial English, etc.).
Prerequisites training
The course is open to students with an adequate command of English, with knowledge of the literary, cultural, and translation traditions of the English-speaking world. Students should also plan to view television, DVDs, etc. and listen to audio materials from other sources to further strengthen vocabulary and comprehension in preparation for their written assessments. The level of listening proficiency achieved by individual learners will depend on the learner's motivation, previous experience, and degree of engagement in course activities.
Methods of Instruction
Learning will occur through communicative and collaborative tasks (via audio and video), the
development of autonomous learning skills and strategies, reflecting on the use of the English
language through intercultural activities, and simulations. High importance will be given to
interaction in English language use and learning in view of its central role in communication.
Assessment and Final Grade
Writing a summary from an audio during class: 50%
Answering a series of questions from a video during class: 50%
Course Requirements
Regular attendance and participation in activities are essential to be a successful language
learner. For students to progress in understanding and speaking English, they must hear and
speak it on a daily basis.
Students must attend classes since active participation and interaction with the teacher and
peers, and between peers, are essential to effective second language acquisition and oral skills
development. Attendance is a mandatory part of this course.