
Kwamé Sorrell is originally from New York City, and a student at CUNY Queens College. He is also an ILCF alumni. Read more about his experience learning French at ILCF.

Diego Fasciati is the Executive Director of the Irish National Opera. He is originally from Switzerland, but has lived in Dublin, Ireland since 2001. Read more about his experience learning French at ILCF.

Azizah Syiami Mutik is an ILCF student from Indonesia. Read more about her experience moving to France and learning French.

Bénédicte Cornet is a 3rd year student at the Catholic University of Paris in the History - Political Science program. She went to Sogang University in Seoul for a semester in Spring 2020, as an exchange student. Read about how her host university handled the Covid-19 crisis.

Axel and Foucault are students in the 2nd year of the International and European Business Law Master program. They were in England for the academic year. When the containment was announced, they had to hurry back home. They share their experience and tell us how they are continuing the program, through remote learning.

Max Leblanc is a French-Brazilian student from São Paulo, Brazil, where he studies International Relations at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. He began his exchange at ICP in January and decided to stay in France during the containment, instead of returning to Brazil. Here is his story:

Yunxuan Chen is from China and currently a rising sophomore at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, USA.

Charli James is a journalist for the French news channel, France 24. She also runs the blog "Am I French Yet?". She was a student at ILCF in 2017, read more about her experience:

Yumi TSUKAMOTO is a student at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. She is currently studying at ICP as an exchange student for a year. Read more about her unique experience.

Annie Ospeck is studying International Relations and Art History at the American University in Washington, DC. She is currently studying French at ICP for a semester, read about her experience.

At 67, I must be one of ILCF’s oldest students. I previously worked as a producer with both the BBC and the Irish broadcasting service RTÉ, before becoming Arts Editor of the English Catholic weekly The Tablet. Now here I am in Paris surrounded by students a third of my age.