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Bachelor Year 3
Fall Semester
Lectures (CM)
Professor: Marie-Caroline Arreto
The aim of this course is to introduce a presentation of the diversity of conceptions of comparative law. Whether it is considered as a way to think and apply the law or as a doctrinal matter, it is sure that comparative law serves different kind of purposes. First, it synthesizes the method of jurists to classify things, to exercise taxonomy. Second, it permits to realize the differences and similarities between legal cultures: do the jurists think the same way in each country? Do they solve the same problems the same way? Third, it creates the opportunity to meet the Other and to keep an open mind.
At the end of the course, the students will be able to identify the different aspects of comparative law and how the French legal tradition is conceiving it. They will also be familiar with the way the language, the way Law is taught is structuring the type of legal reasoning. Finally, they will be able to have a representation of the diverse families of legal culture.